NEXUS have won the 2022 MJ Award for Delivering Better Outcomes

We’re excited to share that we are now an award-winning project!

Our work with young people and community was highlighted in this national event, which we were massively grateful for. We entered in the category for Delivering Better Outcomes as an opportunity to highlight our community work.

The judges left us with the feedback below:

“The Enfield NEXUS project clearly demonstrates what can be achieved through the collaboration, coordination and empowerment of partners and communities to deliver better outcomes. The submission and presentation were great examples of being galvanised by an issue, applying talent and drive and then building on the momentum created to reach a significant number of young people.”

The MJ Awards ceremony is one of the major events within the public sector calendar, and we are hugely grateful for this opportunity and award.

For more information, please see the MJ awards website here.


3 years of NEXUS Enfield… How time flies!