Who are we?

Catch22 is a social business: a not-for-profit business with a social mission. Our vision for a strong society is one where everyone has the same three things to thrive: a purpose, a good place to live, and good people around them. All of our services help people to achieve at least one, if not all three, of these things.

What do we aim to do? 

With Catch 22 our County Lines Support and Rescue Service offers specialist one to one support to young people aged under 25 who are victims of county lines and Criminal Exploitation in London, West Midlands, Greater Manchester & Merseyside.  Our key aim to reduce the risk, and impact that exploitation can have towards them and others around them including family members.  The service also provides a rescue service to under 25 who reside in the 4 regions but found out of the area, to return them home safely to the region they reside. We see the rescue as a ‘reachable moment’ at a time when the young person is in need of support the most.

How do we work?

We deliver one to one specialist support that is tailored to meet the need of the young person or young adult. The intervention is tailored to each individual to ensure we can demonstrate that our young people and families we support have a better understanding of being a victim of county lines and criminal/sexual exploitation.  We provide them with the learning and awareness on how to navigate away from potential dangerous and harmful behaviours.


 To find out more, please click below:

Any project and partner queries can be directed to nexus@enfield.gov.uk


Butterfly Project


Chickenshed Theatre