Theatre Changing Lives


Who are we?

Chickenshed is an inclusive theatre company that first began in 1974. Primarily based at our own purpose-built venue in North London, we create theatre for all ages and run successful outreach projects, education courses and membership programmes throughout the year.

We are also a registered charity and rely heavily on the generous support of individuals, companies, trusts and foundations in order to continue our pioneering work. 

What do we aim to do? 

Performance is at the heart of everything that we do, and brings together all aspects of the company. Our work uses the stage to celebrate diversity and performance as a vehicle to communicate with audiences and tackle topical social issues. We regularly present original and entertaining productions for young children, families and adults. We also create new work, inspired by the people around us, about personal and social issues that affect society today which we then take on tour to theatres, community centres and schools across the UK.

You can visit our What's On section, to see our upcoming shows and events.

How do we work?

We believe that every person who joins our company positively changes the way that we work. We work to every individual's strength, providing a creative environment that will enable them to flourish. We hold weekly workshops for over 900 children and young people - providing them with a safe and rewarding space, where they can gain a new-found confidence and have the chance to regularly perform in major in-house productions.


 To find out more, please click below:

Any project and partner queries can be directed to


Catch 22
