Empowering disadvantaged young people and families to thrive

Who are we?

We are a community empowerment organisation on a mission to positively transform the hopes and life prospects of at-risk and marginalised young people aged 10-19 and families facing serious life challenges. These include family breakdown, exploitation, violence, anti-social behaviour, underachievement in education and school exclusion. 

What do we aim to do?

We provide holistic support and aspirational opportunities to at-risk, disadvantaged young people and families, empowering them to achieve personal and social growth, educational success, and improved employment opportunities

How do we work?

We support young people and families through mentorship, coaching, counselling, education, advocacy, enterprise and work experience opportunities. By targeting these key areas of development, using our model of partnership, we help young people engage in education, avoid anti-social behaviour and become independent and confident contributors within their communities. A focus on building stronger families creates a sustainable approach to meaningful change and improved wellbeing. 

We also deliver training to schools, the police, and organisation on issues that significantly impact young people. Through our expertise in effectively engaging both young people and parents, we aim to create positive change and support disadvantaged youth in their journey towards a brighter future.

In addition, we provide training to schools, police departments, and organisations, focusing on addressing issues that have a significant impact on young people.

 To find out more, please click below:

Any project and partner queries can be directed to nexus@enfield.gov.uk



