Cultivate with Rudy’s Organic Project (C.R.O.P.)


Who are we?

Cultivate with Rudy’s Organic Project – a programme that engages and develops young people through gardening. CROP will facilitate the development of young people’s responsibility, confidence, teamwork and accomplishment. The project also teaches them technical skills and life skills, all through gardening.

What do we aim to do?

Our aims are: to engage and develop young people through gardening, and to promote well-being and healthy living/eating amongst young people.

We also aim to teach technical skills, grow their understanding of the environment and facilitate their self-development through themes of responsibility, teamwork and care

How do we work?

CROP is starting in a small space where the surrounding area is mostly estates where no garden space is available.

Young people will be guided and taught how to garden, both by professionals and through peer-mentoring.

Gardening support young people in a number of way. It is known to support psychological wellbeing as green spaces have been shown to lower stress and improve productivity. It also encourages healthy living and eating. Most significantly, it allows us to be outdoors, exercise, disconnect from technology and improve focus.

 To find out more, please click below:

Any project and partner queries can be directed to


Cornerstone Engagement


Enfield Professional Learning