Who are we?

FLAIR is a Race & Ethnicity platform that helps schools measure progress towards racial equity. Through anonymous surveys, smart dashboards and bespoke data-driven interventions, FLAIR is helping over 100 schools across the UK and internationally to form robust racial equity plans guided by student and staff voice. FLAIR engages with schools year-on-year to measure shifts in culture over time, and benchmark against other schools.

What do we aim to do? 

Understand: Understand your culture by surfacing the experiences of students and staff

Educate: Educate your students & staff, providing clear guidance & confidence talking about race

Benchmark: Benchmark your progress over time and against similar educational institutions

Demonstrate: Demonstrate genuine commitment to students, staff, parents & governors 

Safeguard:  Safeguard your students & staff to protect their welfare & wellbeing

How do we work?

#1 LISTEN: Gather student and staff voice

Our science-backed questionnaire opens up the conversation on race and ethnicity across your school community. Using real-world scenarios, we surface unique student and staff experiences to map your culture, helping you target root issues. Responses remain anonymous to create a safe space for all.

#2 ANALYSE: Smart dashboards

Our dashboards turn your data into actionable insights. Visualise your strengths, uncover your weaknesses, drill down for more detail and benchmark your progress.

#3  SOLVE: A racial equity roadmap

Our smart algorithms will turn your data into a clear roadmap to positive change. Your Racial Equity Roadmap will provide straightforward recommendations for targeted action, while allocating your resources with ROI in mind.

#4 REPEAT: Benchmark your progress

Whether you’re focused on benchmarking across your industry or simply across time, our data insights help you make and track clear progress year-on-year. So you can see the truth about your racial equity performance in black and white.

 To find out more, please click below:

Any project and partner queries can be directed to nexus@enfield.gov.uk


Financial Harmony


Greenhouse Sports