Connecting parents to connected children

Take a sneak peak at what our Heard events are about.

Who are we?

We are a free parenting forum that provides a safe space arena for parents. Everyone wants to be HEARD.

Hosted by Diane Parish

Hosted by Diane Parish

What do we aim to do?

We aim to connect parents to connected children by equipping and empowering parents from all walks of life with the skills to navigate through this new techno parenting landscape. Our events aim to provide a safe space which allows parents to share their concerns, ask questions and seek advice from a panel of experts in a range of different fields. 

How do we do it?

We host three HEARD events throughout the academic year focusing on a range of different topics. We select a specialist panel who are experts on the chosen topics of discussion and invite parents to attend and ask questions by registering online for their free ticket. Due to the current pandemic, our events are currently being delivered online via Zoom however, we hope to return to hosting these events in person soon. 

To find out more, please visit:



 Any project and partner queries can be directed to


Greenhouse Sports

