Bridging the gap between care-affected girls and mainstream society


Who are we?

Sister System (SS) is London’s first and only organisation for care-affected girls and young women (13-24 years), offering early-intervention provision to overcome trauma and build resilience. We are a grassroots charity that believes in the power of lived experience to lead change. We specialise in working in VAWG (violence against women and girls), for our 98% BME service users, delivering eight co-curated programmes of support. We have worked with more than 300 girls since 2017, embedding essential skills, tools and strategies to raise mental wellness, forge pathways to education and employment and enable a life free from abuse.

What do we aim to do? 

Sister System’s mission is to bridge the gap between care-affected girls and mainstream society, by working alongside them to ensure they have the same opportunities everyone else has - at home, school, work and within our communities.  


How do we work?

SS provides longitudinal support for a period of up to 9 years: providing eight different co-curated programmes (each lasting up to 6-12 months). Our innovative and pioneering approach embeds essential skills and tools to forge pathways to education and employment, enable a life free from abuse and raise mental wellness through weekly/bi-weekly structured support:

-  Therapeutic mentoring 

-  Peer2peer mentoring

-  Aspirational nationally accredited qualifications (OCN approved)

-  Career coaching 

-  Resilience building workshops

- Mental and physical wellness sessions (art, yoga, dance, boxing). 

- Networking sessions and a community of sisters 

Co-founded by care-affected girls, SS establishes a new model of working with ‘looked after children’/care leavers. ‘Big Sister’ graduates from programmes are paid co-facilitators, building meaningful relationships and a peer support system with lived experience to empower girls to reach their potential. They co-curate programmes that specifically address the gender, racial and economic barriers our community faces, breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty and abuse through evidence-informed services. 


 To find out more, please click below:

Any project and partner queries can be directed to


Rudolph Walker Foundation


Social Enterprise Schools