Giving young people an outlet through boxing

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Who are we?

We are Joe Morris Boxing Club. We are a boxing club and centre and we offer a range of support. From boxing, to personal development, to music production, the JOE Morris Boxing Club offers a space that serves as a personal hub, with workshops and role models that allow young people to be the best they can be. 


What do we aim to do?

We aim to help young people make the most of their lives. We encourage cohesion in the wider community to create an understanding that we can all be anything we want to be in life, and that this life is precious. We teach young people new skills related to boxing, music and their personal development.


 How do we work?

Through the medium of sports, music and personal development programs, we engage young people. We prioritise those at risk of being lured into negative social groups and destructive vices. We provide opportunities, through classes and workshops, for the wider community to get involved in boxing as a hobby or a keep fit discipline.


 To find out more, please visit:

Any project and partner queries can be directed to




Jubilee Park Regeneration