Gambling awareness & education organisation

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Who are we?

We are a gambling awareness and education organization founded in 2015 by Former gambling addict and professional footballer Mr Tony Kelly. We are a CIC [Community interest company] and rely on donations and funding. We have a board of directors who meet to discuss development and to make collective decisions on our work going forward.

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What do we aim to do?

We deliver educational gambling awareness workshops to a variety of organizations including schools, colleges, youth projects, rehab centres, and others. We also sign post to treatment services and are involved in gambling commission and regulatory consultations to reform policy. Red card is a gambling commission approved organization, and have been supported by many, including parliament.

How do we work?

We have adopted the LIVED EXPERIENCE model for our services, and this means all who work with RED CARD come from a lived experience background and have suffered gambling harm either individually or as an affected other. We deliver our workshops both externally and online, and we have a strong and passionate team that care about making a difference within our communities. Our awareness workshops are aimed at educating young people on the dangers and impact of problem gambling, and they are both informative and interactive.


To find out more, please visit:


 Any project and partner queries can be directed to


Platinum Performing Arts

